FTSDB offers you faster ways to find the information you're looking for, whether it's only THA data or any FTSDB Portal data. You can access a range of features with this one simple search.
The keyword search page functions similar to most search engines (e.g., Google and Yahoo!).
Click the
image next to the search button to view tips on formatting your search.
The keyword search results page leaves your search terms in the box so you can see what you searched for and prevents you from re-entering your search terms or starting over.
The keyword search results page TBD.
Page Navigation
If the number of results returned by the search exceed the selected Results Per Page, then the page navigation will become active to allow you navigate the search results.
- Navigate to the first page of the search results
- Navigate to the previous page of the search results
- Navigate to the next page of the search results
- Navigate to the last page of the search results
Results Per Page
Allows you to display varying number of results on a page.
Show Details
Allows you to show or hide the details for each result returned by the search.
Test Hazard Analysis Results
Clicking the THA ID number will display the information pertinent to the selected THA on the Test Hazard Analysis page. When viewing the selected THA on the Test Hazard Analysis page, you have the following options regarding the THA:
Clicking the highlighted maneuver for a specific THA will display all THAs with that maneuver on the Test Hazard Analysis Advanced Search Results.
Place your mouse over the
image to understand viewing selected records sequentially or to combine selected records.
Clicking the Modify Search Critera link will return you to the Keyword Search results.
Keyword search finds what you tell it to, so here are some tips for better results.
Choose Words Carefully
Use specific words to describe exactly what you're looking for. More general terms will give a larger number of results, so try to narrow your search.
Including and Excluding Words
By default, the keyword search returns only data that include all of your search terms. The exception is very common words such as "it" and "how." These appear in so many places, they usually won't improve your results.