Test Hazard Analysis #143

Commercial Certification (FAA)



AEO Takeoff

 As per AC 25-7A Section 25.105 and 25.107 Para b.

 1. Loss of aircraft control/Aircraft departs runway

Inhabited Aircraft Only



 1. Loss of Lateral-Directional control
2. Insufficient control for crosswind conditions
3. Airspeed reduced below stall speed

 1. All testing shall be conducted under day, VMC conditions, on a dry runway with a minimum width of 150 ft.
2. Only crew members deemed essential for conduct of the test shall be onboard.
3. Use appropriate approach speeds for the steady state winds and gusts.
4. Brief local fire and rescue crews on the test aircraft and the testing being conducted.
5. Inspect wheels, tires and brakes after each takeoff and landing sequence.
6. Secure all loose items in the cabin.
7. Static Lateral-Directional flight tests must have been completed and analyzed prior to crosswind testing.
8. Terminate test if prolonged excessive control forces or full control travel is observed.
9. Monitor for wind shear by using onboard systems and wind reports provided by ATC/AWOS/ASOS.

Emergency Procedures:

a) Use all flight controls as necessary to recover aircraft control.

b) Do not make any aircraft configuration changes if evidence of structural damage exists.

c) If a blown tire is suspected on takeoff and the takeoff was continued, do not retract gear and follow checklist for landing with a blown tire (land on the side of the runway opposite the blown tire without other guidance.)